Hayden is very laid-back, happy to play with toys.
Delaney is constantly moving, which means I'm constantly moving.
Before long, they'll be able to play together. But for now we just make them pose for cute pictures.
Jeremy seems to have made a turn for the better. I forced gently encouraged him to stop taking the Lortabs and try to get by with Tylenol or Ibuprofen. That seemed to make all the difference. They were making him feel worse all over and he still had a sore throat. At least now he's not all druggy and I don't think his throat feels any worse. I even took him on a big outing yesterday...I drove him to the recycling center and then he got a movie from Redbox. Not bad for the first time out of the house in 5 days!
I love the last pic of Hayden and Delaney--her face says it all!:) Vicki