Tuesday, July 7, 2009

back on the wagon

When I stepped on the scale last week and saw that number rise higher than it had been in over 6 months, not to mention the fact that I'd gained 5 pounds since school got out, I knew it was time to get my butt in gear!

So yesterday I started a "biggest loser" challenge.

It's an online challenge. Remember how I said a lot of my friends live in my computer? Well, I have this whole group of friends on pregnancy.org. We all have April babies (or were at least due in April 08). It's so fun to experience pregnancy, delivery and motherhood with women who are at the exact same stage as you. I mean who else really cares about your daily food cravings, baby poop, weight gain, weight loss, breastfeeding, sleep issues and all the other glorious things that come along with a new baby?

So we have an April '08 biggest loser team. We get points for following a food plan, exercising, drinking lots of water, eating breakfast, posting points and providing support for our team.

I decided that I didn't want to "diet" so I'm going to try to watch my portions and eat more fruits and veggies and exercise. Notice how I didn't say exercise more. I just need to exercise. Period.

This morning I went to the zoo with my mom, Alli and Delaney and walked all over that zoo pushing a stroller or holding Delaney. Then this evening I decided to walk to Walmart to return our Redbox movie rather than drive the 5 minutes down the street. I really have to make a conscious effort to NOT be lazy!

In other news, Jeremy's much anticipated dreaded tonsillectomy is tomorrow morning. Please keep him (and me) in your thoughts and prayers. He is really nervous about it. He doesn't do well with needles or blood. And I'm not always the most sympathetic wife around. I'll let you know tomorrow (Wednesday) how it goes.


  1. Please tell how I can become a member of the "biggest loser" group!! I desperately need a motivational group, food plan to follow. I had a baby last August, lost all of my baby weight and then some but have since gained some back. If you wouldn't mind another member I would love to join with you guys.

  2. Tiffany, I'm glad you found my blog. I checked yours out and you have the cutest little girl!! As far as the challenge, you couldn't be an "official" member (the sign-ups are closed) but you can always join us unofficially for support and accountability. If you want, go to pregnancy.org and create a user name. Then go to bulletin boards. Scroll all the way down to health and wellness and find biggest loser challenge. My team is April 08 Belly Busters and my user name is mbowman. We have an awesome group and all are always very welcoming to newbies. Hope to see you there!!

  3. Hey there! Let me know via email how you set this up and I would love to do this with blog-friends somehow...I just wonder how I could do that. You might have a great idea or two.
