Thursday, January 7, 2010

i’m not the only one reading around here

Delaney has a shelf full of board books. And as part of her bedtime routine, I’d love to sit and read to her. But she would rather just rock during our quiet times, which is fine. Because I do enjoy cuddling.

But I also wish that Delaney would sit and listen while I read to her at some point during the day. And I wouldn’t even mind re-reading the same book over and over. Books like The Foot Book or Goodnight Moon.


Books that were read to me over and over. (This is one of my books, circa 1977.)

Even though she doesn’t let me “read” to her, Delaney does like books. And she even has a favorite book.


Not exactly one of the classics. And she won’t even let me read it. She just opens up that book, says, “Mommy” and taps my leg. Once she has my attention, she points to every picture in the book, anxiously waiting for me to name each and every shape and animal in the whole entire book.

So that’s the way we read books.


For now.

Maybe someday I’ll be able to read an actual story.

Until then, it’s just a lot of “goat, bear, circle, square, bird…”


  1. Maria does the same thing only she insists that we read the book over and over again (4 times) and then sometimes wants more! Most of the time, she points and wants a response...just like Delaney.

  2. My boys are older now, but when they were younger, one their favorites was "Goodnight Moon". Maybe because our last name was Moon. I even named my blog Goodnight Moon.

    I oldest loved the bernstein bears. He could listen to "The Bike Lesson" over and over again. I think I had it memorizied I read it so many times. I do regret not reading more to them. They are 15 and 11 now. Time goes by so fast. Enjoy.
