Monday, June 25, 2012

treat tuesdays

I thought it would be fun to have a special treat for dessert on Tuesdays. Here’s our treats so far:


Week 1: Ice Cream Sandwiches.

These were made with chocolate cake mix in the waffle iron. After they cool, put ice cream in the middle. I wasn’t crazy about them. I’m kind of funny about soggy cakes/bread and they just a little too soft for my taste. But I did like this part of it:


The first batch was a fail. But they were yummy to eat just by themselves. So if you want something chocolate this summer and don’t want to turn on the oven, chocolate waffle cakes are pretty darn tasty. And easy. And fast!

Week two we had Slutty Brownies. I didn’t name them (Duncan Hines did). I just eat them!


You can get this recipe on the Duncan Hines website. Start with cookie dough. I bought a tube of refrigerated chocolate chip cookie dough. Smoosh it into an 8 1/2 by 11 inch greased pan.


Then crumble about 16 Double Stuff Oreos.


Top with brownie batter for an 8X8 pan, not the family size box. Bake at 350 for 35 minutes (or more).


These really were to die for. I guess they’re called “slutty” because they are really rich and make you feel a little naughty when you eat the whole pan!

Week 3 we had s’mores.

Week 4 there were no treats. We had waffles for dinner and I wasn’t really in the mood for sweets after that. I guess maybe having waffles was the treat!

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