Saturday started off with a road trip to Marion, KS to visit a few antique stores. I went with a couple of friends who I wouldn’t have if it weren’t for Nate…one of his nurses, Melissa and his para at school, Karen. They take great care of Nate and are a lot of fun to hang out with!
I haven’t mastered the art of taking a picture of myself. The first one I tried ended up just being the top half of my head. Need to take some lessons from the teenagers!
We saw lots of great treasures. This was taken out at a barn and it was sort of like “picking” as in American Pickers (they actually came out here a couple of years ago). I prefer to have prices listed because I’m not a haggler!
There were lots of treasures in the barn. Outside was row after row of rusty old stuff. Everything you can think of…including the kitchen sink! It was all sorted out, but a little to worn for my taste.
I really liked this old cabinet. It would be perfect in my kitchen to use as a pantry. I’m going to keep looking for a great deal on something like this!
I did find this little treasure…a picket fence gate. By the way, Delaney’s garden is almost complete, or as complete as it is going to be for this year. Update to come…
I found this old toolbox at an antique store. I’m going to paint it and use it for Delaney’s books or DVDs in her room.
I really liked this cloche. It’s not new, but it was at one of the antique/gift shops we went to. Now I need to find something fun to put in it.
My final purchase was this old dresser. I’m going to paint it white to match Delaney’s other dresser. This one is going at the foot of her bed and will be great for extra storage. She was so funny when I brought it home. She said, “Is this my new dresser? Is my old one not cute anymore?” Silly girl!
Now I have several projects to work on this summer…the list seems like it is endless. But I guess that’s more to blog about!