Monday, February 8, 2010

more winter weather

The only thing worse than going to bed hoping for expecting a snow day and then not getting “the call,” is waking up to find out that your husband, who teaches in a different school district, is getting a snow day and you’re not.

I laid in bed, watching the news ticker display every school closing in the area (except mine) with profound displeasure. Finally, at 6:00, I decided to give in to the unfair hand I’d been dealt and get in the shower.

And at that exact moment, I heard the most beautiful sound in the world…the phone ringing to announce that our school was closed as well! Yippee!! Just in the nick of time…I mean who wants to waste a perfectly good lazy day by starting off with a shower?

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It’s a beautiful snow. Wet and heavy on the branches. The streets aren’t bad, but more snow is expected throughout the day. I will enjoy the beauty from inside my house. Curled up in my chair, reading.

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