Thursday, March 21, 2013

the bread

My birthday was one week ago today. I guess next year I will have to update my sidebar because this is my last year to be thirty-something. 38 didn’t seem old to me. But for some reason, 39 does.

For my birthday, my amazing mom fixed a delicious dinner for us. Yummy pasta with chicken, salad, fresh fruit and The Bread. It’s a recipe from Pioneer Woman. You can get the recipe here. And trust me. You want the recipe!

I’ll share the basic recipe with you now though, in case you’re lazy like me and don’t want to click to another page to read about it. It’s just a loaf of Italian or French bread from the grocery store bakery and 2 sticks of butter. Real butter. Slice the bread in half lengthwise and spread one stick of softened butter (I soften it in the microwave for 15 seconds because I never plan far enough ahead to let it set at room temperature) on each side of the bread. Yes, you read that correctly. One stick per side. Put it on a baking sheet in the oven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Then turn on the broiler until the bread is really browned, almost blackened in places. I knew mine was done when the smoke detector went off! No need for a dinner bell at this house!

Oh my goodness, that bread is to die for. Next time I’ll skip the pasta and salad and just have some bread. As long as it’s The Bread!!

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