Wednesday, October 12, 2011

take your parents to lunch

Today our school hosted a “Take your parents to lunch” and had over 100 parents show up to eat with their kids. Several brought their own lunch (or fast food) but I believe most of the parents were brave enough to eat what their kids were eating (such troopers!)

Delaney’s sitter has twins in 4th grade at the school, so she brought Delaney with her. And I got to have lunch with Delaney in my classroom.


I packed a lunch for us to share. Yes, I let her drink Coke. What’s a little caffeine before her nap? It’s not like I had to deal with her later. (She only drank about 2 sips, if that makes you feel better.)

We had a lovely lunch together. And then as it turned out, they were running behind in the lunchroom, so she got to hang out with the big kids in the cafeteria for awhile longer.

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