Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ok, it's a start

Well one nap later and lots of time on, I have a blog layout that I can live with for now. I'm so indecisive which makes choosing color schemes, page layouts and backgrounds quite a chore. Thanks for the tips Sera!

Now I must spend some time with my children...

Need Tech Support

I'm just not happy with my's not cute enough for me. And I'm a perfectionist and until it looks the way I want it to look, I'm going to be frustrated!

Jeremy is on the golf course today so I have lots of "me time" (in between the 50 bazillion diaper changes I'll do...ok that was an exaggeration, but you get the picture) so maybe I can get this thing figured out.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I'm baaaack....

Ok, I'm going to try this blogging thing once more. I'm such a blog-stalker; I guess I need to use some of my allotted internet time and update my own blog instead of reading everyone else's!!!

I'm so ready for spring! I'm doing the Walk Kansas challenge. I'm the team captain (a lame one though). You keep track of your exercise and servings of fruits and vegetables. Well I'm totally pulling up the rear in exercise points. My teammates are awesome, but I just can't get motivated to exercise. I love to take Delaney on walks. Sometimes Bri and Alli go with me and it's nice to have that time to chat. But I'm strictly a fair-weather walker. So until the April weather gets straightened out, I'm afraid I'll continue to let my team down.