Ok, I'm going to try this blogging thing once more. I'm such a blog-stalker; I guess I need to use some of my allotted internet time and update my own blog instead of reading everyone else's!!!
I'm so ready for spring! I'm doing the Walk Kansas challenge. I'm the team captain (a lame one though). You keep track of your exercise and servings of fruits and vegetables. Well I'm totally pulling up the rear in exercise points. My teammates are awesome, but I just can't get motivated to exercise. I love to take Delaney on walks. Sometimes Bri and Alli go with me and it's nice to have that time to chat. But I'm strictly a fair-weather walker. So until the April weather gets straightened out, I'm afraid I'll continue to let my team down.
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
Hey, at least you're trying. I totally hear you on the weather stuff. We love to get outside and do walks and hikes, but it's still too chilly for that!